Happy fall fashion week everyone! Is it too early for booties and tights? I can't wait until the cool weather sets in and I can start wearing sweaters =) It's been awhile since my last post, I had an exhausting but exciting week. I was able to attend some amazing events to kick off the new fashion season. Thursday September 8th was
Fashion's Night Out. It's always fun to be out and about in New York City on FNO. After work I headed over to Lord & Taylor to see the lovely Meagan of
Travel Write Draw sketch fashion portraits for a crowd of onlookers. She was busy drawing but I was able to steal her away to snap a quick pic of us both.
Then on Friday, I attended the first ever Blogger's Night Out hosted by
these lovely ladies at Pranna on Madison Avenue. I had no idea what to expect and was so impressed: free drinks, giveaways, swag bags, and an infinite number of fabulously dressed fashion bloggers! The pictures I took didn't turn out so great, but I think Meagan was able to capture the moment. Look out for more pictures on her
Anyways, I had a great time and am so glad I went. Thanks so much, Meagan for going with me. I feel very fortunate to have met someone so kind, inspiring, and talented! I hope everyone has a relaxing weekend =)
*Edit* Just found a video of Blogger's Night Out! Check it out